Monday, August 27, 2007

Player of the Month

Ahh, so many out there who deserve recognition. The bald side line official from USA (during the Pasadena/Mission match) was particularly impressive as was Mission's whiny dushe of a full back. Our own Wally Johnson is a candidate for his impressive shenanigans as the renowned Blue Blogger this previous season. But no, for my first installment of the POTM I am going to a reliable and famed player. He is a player who defies believability on so many levels he has risen to fame as a cult hero of the fuck wads. I just wish I had the vocabulary of socially inappropriate colloquialisms to describe the complete and total nature if his fuckheadedness. Thinking about him just shocks me into a muted state of disbelief; that any one person could be so completely… fucked, which given a long list of dushe bags we all know I disdain, it is an impressive accomplishment. So I would like to take this time to recognize ERAC player Chris Caulfield for his brazen arrogance in attempting to compete against our own Allen Rooney for the cherished spot of hooker of the D3 All Star side. Dude… what WERE YOU THINKING? To quote Jello, “Allen Rooney is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th & 5th best hooker in our division”, which should put Caulfield roughly 197th. …right behind Ito. Honorable mention also goes to the ERAC coach and selection committee for the balls to nominate their whole fucking squad for the all star team despite the constant ass pounding delivered to them by their opposition this year. Really going to miss those shit eaters next year. Thankfully we have Kern and SLO...

The Minister goes for a ride on The 2nd Row's Player of the Month Chris "Stunt Boy" Caulfield. Hey dushe can you spell "I am a turd?"

Here our own Tim Catchless.... err I mean Coach Cutress does his very best to keep Caulfield gagged. Note the look of academic concern on the ERAC sideline player.

Here, the real deal takes the penalty tap in to put 5 on the board against The Bucks.

Somewhere in a dimly lit room loading ammo, this man is cackling loudly

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